Video Works

A selection of paired audio and video works. Click on the images to open the video in a new tab or window.

BAG (February 2023)
An embodiment of queasyness on a plane.
Subtle International (January 2023)
An experimental meditation on the bus journey between Belfast and Dublin airport and the arbitrariness of human-made borders.
(Warning: flashing images)

Timbremorph Live version (Otober 2022)
Audio recorded live at the Audio Foundation as part of 2022 Vitamin S Fest. Live video credit: Ivan Mršić.

That Which Separates (11 May 2020)
Ambient piece based on shorelines in Northern Ireland and New Zealand. The ocean separates these islands but also connects them.
Afterlife (23 April 2020)
After life comes decomposition.
Lockdown 2020 (20 April 2020)
A view of Auckland under Covid-19 lockdown restrictions during April 2020. All footage obtained during permitted exercise activity maintaining required social distancing.
Sick Chicken (All better now) (12 December 2019)
Saxophone and mangled acoustic guitar. With chickens.
From the album Compound Eye.
Your Item is Ready (24 August 2019)
A micro-movie.
Shot on location in Auckland.
I Just Called (29 April 2019)
Promotional video for sound installation and ongoing project. Music credit: “Leaving” from Library Music Volume 1
These Are the Trees That Touched The Sun (07 April 2019)
Created as a response to iPhone video I took from the bus travelling between Belfast and Dublin in February 2019.
Sick Smile Water (23 October 2018)
Herons on the Six Mile Water, near Ballyclare, Co.Antrim.
The Duck Feeder (17 October 2018)
Created from material collected on an autumn visit to the shore of Lough Neagh at Antrim.
Roller Shutter City (11 September 2018)
A commentary on the depressing and aggressive security culture in the Greater Belfast suburb where I grew up.
Continental Philosophy (08 October 2017)
All sounds extracted and transformed form a single spoken phrase that got stuck in my head.
Random junk Mail Poem #2 (07 August 2016)
The found poetry of text from junk emails performed by me.
Random Junk Mail Poem (09 July 2016)
Found poetry derived from junk mail word-padding junk emails performed by a variety of text to speech algorithms.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 53.jpg53 (23 October 2015)
A statement of what it is to be a survivor and not to have given up on the idea of resistance. We cannot deny change, but we can choose how we react, and by our actions set an example to others. The ripples will influence the changes. All that is necessary is for us to give ourselves that permission, because it cannot and will not come from anywhere else. (Joint 1st place in Lilburn Composition Competion 2015)
Shopping (18 June 2014)
LoFi. Shot entirely on an iPod nano 5. All sound layers entirely recreated in post production from field recordings, foley and dialogue replacement. Premiered at mini filmfest “Behind the Shops”.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Raindrop.jpgRaindrop (08 August 2010)
From Noise in My Head EP (2010).
Original recording from 2008.